Why you need to open your heart

Why do you need an open heart? Let me answer by asking you some questions:

Do you love and accept yourself?
Do you find it difficult to trust others?
Are you struggling with feelings of unworthiness?
Are you ruminating the past and find it difficult to let go?
Do you have physical symptoms in the chest area or arms?
Are you lonely, maybe isolated?

These are all signs of a blocked heart chakra and your life will change if you open it. This was my story once; disconnected, closed off and lonely. A heart opening, with waves on unconditional love running through my body changed everything for me.

The seven main chakras are wheels of energy found along the spine, from the crown of your head to the base of your spine. If these chakras become blocked, energy cannot travel properly through your body and your well-being can become affected. The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and it is placed in the middle of the chest and its color is green. It is associated with unconditional love, compassion and joy. With an open heart chakra you feel connected to the world around you, love for yourself and others, joy, compassion and forgiveness.

The heart chakra is affecting heart, lungs, chest, arms and hands, so a blocked heart can cause any physical ailments in these areas, e.g. high or low blood pressure, cold hands, bronchitis and circulation problems. Mentally and spiritually a blocked heart chakra can show up as feelings of unworthiness, distrust in yourself and others, feelings of loneliness, excessive isolation, depression, jealousy, fear of intimacy and inability to give and receive love, which by time can develop into manipulative behavior. With an overactive heart you give too much and keep nothing for yourself, become very sensitive to small things in life that normally wouldn’t bother you and you may also feel negativity towards humanity.

Balancing the heart chakra will give you more joy, compassion and love in your life, and there are many ways to do this, both working on the physical body, the mental and the spiritual body.

Welcome to my world!